Monday, September 20, 2010


It is a long running tradition at the fire house. Practical jokes. After all, what better way to pass the time, and have a little fun at your fellow firefighters expense? I have yet to work a shift, where no joke is played on me, another firefighter, or us to another fire station... This day was no exception. Myself, being the non-sarchastic spice that I am, was in the kitchen with a few of they guys one shift. I opened their fridge to put my snacks for the day inside. I noticed, all neatly plastic wrapped, a cheeseburger. CHEESEBURGER. wrapped in plastic. Now, keep in mind, these guys work 48 hours, go home for 96, so my mouth started running. "WHAT IS THIS??" they all laughed, they usually throw away leftovers, but this little guy made his way back into the fridge in case somebody wanted a snack. At that point, I was challenged, to place it on the deputy chiefs desk.... Me? avoid a challenge? NOT so. I walked casually by, noticed he was gone, and left the perfectly wrapped cheeseburger on his desk. We giggled like school girls, waiting for him to return to his office. He did, and was meeting with our vehicle maintenance guy. I walked past and noticed, he kept on going, moved the burger forward on his desk, and kept on going. I walked in, grabbed it, and he said "UH, yeah, what's that about?" I casually walked out. I then was challenged to put it in the captains office. I snuck in, and we noticed his bag still on his bed. We placed it in the bag. After that, I asked him, "Hey Cap, I need some socks, would you happen to have an extra pair??" He said yes. After much anticipation, he finally went into his office. I stood by the ambulance in anticipation, when the door speedily cracked open, and the cheeseburger FLYING at me, it hit me. Right in the keester. We laughed forever. After that, my partners grabbed it. We were called out to a mental patient, female. I was of course the only one she'd talk to. I was talking with her, when outside one of the guys asked another firefighter if he had anything in his pocket he could snack on. Stan reaches into his pocket, and there it is. Cheeseburger. After the call, I got into drive the ambulance back to the station, on the dashboard?? Cheeseburger. We went to train at a burn fire prop we had, and reaching into my mask bag to get it, what did I grab? Cheeseburger. That thing followed us half that day, until we started throwing it around at each other, and it finally, bit the dust. I miss my little friend, but know he is in a better place... the trash. Here are some pictures from the infamous cheeseburger day.....
Jake, Britt, Cap Jolley, Stan and Chase
Jakes bloody nose, wish I could say from the cheese burger, but not so...